The 2020 Covid19 Pandemic might just be the most disruptive event in the last 60 years. It has, amongst many devistating things, propelled us into a new world of work, with a speed and force we could never have imagined weeks ago.
Just over a year ago, we started the Learning Futures Group podcast with an investigation and discussion with major Learning influencer Lisa Kay Solomon of the term VUCA – Volatility Uncertainty Complexity and Ambiguity. Little could we image the ferocity with which those forces would hit us. We urged Learning Leaders to disrupt themselves and rethink traditional models of workplace learning, to digitize, to examine the data, operate with a scientific mindset, to practice design thinking and to imagine ‘what if?’
On Jan 20th 2020 the first US case of Covid19 was identified in Seattle Washington. Within six weeks of that date one third of humanity is in various forms of lockdown, and as the disease explodes in one global hotspot after another, the worlds of work and learning have changed radically, and will arguably never be the same again. As learning leaders we can be forgiven for asking ‘what now?‘
We’re quickly spinning up this new season to help answer the new question – we’re learning a lot and we’re reaching out to understand how teams are responding, innovating, and rethinking during what Josh Bersin calls ‘The Big Reset’ If you have a question, or a story to tell then reach out. And as always thanks for listening.
Episode One With Chris Pirie From The Learning Futures Group : Season Introduction
Episode Two With Kevin Oakes from i4CP: Details And Resources
Episode Three With Humanitarian Leadership Academy: Details And Resources
Episode Four With Robert Poynton: Details And Resources
Episode Five A Special Pause (BLM): Details And Resources
Episode Six with Russell Butler: Details And Resources
Episode Seven with Oscar Trimboli: Details And Resources
Episode Eight with Melissa Daimler: Details And Resources
Episode Nine with Cindy Huggett: Details And Resources
Episode Ten with Bill Pelster: Details And Resources
Episode Ten with Jones & Wood: Details And Resources