How do you help get a new podcast off the ground? In this new episode of our on-going Learning 4 Good season, we’re working to find out. That’s because we’ve been working with Ugandan-based social investment innovator, entrepreneur, governance, public health and strategic leadership expert Joyce Tamale to do just that! Tune into my conversation with Joyce, a Humanitarian Sector practitioner with over 20 years experience in managing and transforming organisations.
Along the way, we hear all about her own personal growth journey across both the public and private sectors and her training in finance, marketing and other business disciplines, which have teed her up perfectly for her latest role: Co-Founder & CEO of Capital Solutions, which is all about inspiring, transforming and building her fellow African-based social entrepreneurs. This is definitely relevant for our on-going mission in the season – to see what corporate L&D can learn from the innovative Non-Governmental Organizations, Private Social Enterprises, and Community Organizations using Learning and ed tech to build trust and capacity for social good. Look to hear, then, about an impressive multidisciplinary set of competences laid in Uganda, Scotland and the US, as well as:
- the story and mission of Capital Solutions and what she’s trying to achieve with it (as well as the business model that makes that happen)
- what social entrepreneurship and investment actually means today
- an example of how her team’s helped a young business happen: Ugabus
- her drive to build capacity and scale up social enterprises in East Africa
- her dilemma: that young people are flocking to cities for opportunities that might be easier to grab where they already are
- how (spottily distributed) tech’s proving a great way for the Ugandan microbusiness to get the airplay they couldn’t have afforded before
- her focus on women’s experience and work to support getting women into leadership positions – and why helping one woman has such a magnifying effect
- and much more.
Episode Extra – Conversation Transcript
Click here for a full transcript of this episode
Episode Extra – An Update from Joyce On Uganda and The Covid19 Pandemic
Update here from Joyce on the situation in Uganda late May 2020
Learn more about Capital Solutions and its mission here
If you want to help in either providing content, co-creation funding, translation and other amazing things that could help vulnerable populations, then
Connect with Joyce on LinkedIn here
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